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The seventeenth of December. Let's move from Jokioinen station in the direction of Minkiö station to Jokioinen Minkiö village, which is next to the Kirkkotie stop. Everyone knows that Minkiö station is in Kiipu village, that is not so easy, isn't it.
The picture is taken next to the last houses of Minkiö village towards Humppila and Minkiö station. The forest visible behind the train was before at the time of building the railway a lake called Minkiön Lammi. Later it was dried up as arable land, but it was afforested and nowadays a wetland has started to form on the site again and even extending to small lake in springtime.
The January freight train is coming from Humppila towards Jokioine. Exceptionally the train is pulled by the JR4 Tubize steam locomotive. The locomotive has been needed in the snow plowing train and because of that it has been heated and ready for use. There are only a couple of months left before the railway will be closed for good, but trains are still running.