The scheduled steam train traffic of Jokioinen Museum Railway will start on Sunday 5.6. The first train will depart at 10.25 and the trains will run all the day according to our timetable. For more information and the timetables please visit our event Event Calendar!
This season will be opened like last year with old automobiles as invited guests. The Museum Railway welcomes all old automobiles to attend the opening day at Minkiö station from 11 to 15.
There are many other events in summer like one of the big events of this summer -the Minkiö Farmers Market when there are two trains running and the biggest market of the summer at the Minkiö station on the last Sunday of June.
In mid July on Sunday 17.7. there will be two steam trains running with train meets at Minkiö station and much more trains to catch and for example stop at the new barbecue place at Soravaihde (Sand Spur).
The last weekend of July is time for a grand celebration! The Minkiö Steam festival turn ten years and there will be steam, steam and more steam with lot of festivities for people of all ages!
In autumn on Saturday 10.9. there are trains operating together with the Childrens' Agricultural Fair "Mansikki". The summer operating season will close down the very same evening with the Star Light Train and fireworks!
However the operating season does not fully end here. Last year Santa promised to return with the Santa Claus Train and yes, he is back on Saturday 3.12. with the steam train and small market at Minkiö station.
You can find all the events at our Event Calendar!
In addition to trains you can also rent handcars on days when there are no trains running. For more information please visit our Handcar page.
Groups can also charter their own steam or diesel train, reserve guided tours of the Narrow Gauge Museum or coffee at Minkiö station cof'é. For more information please visit the Services for the groups -pages.