According to the statistics of year 2017 a total of 825 trains operated on the track of Jokioinen Museum Railway. This is the highest number of trains ever operated at Jokioinen Museum railway. This means that during operating season an average of four trains were ran every day. Out of the total number of trains 346 were related to passenger traffic, 375 were work trains and 104 other trains, like track inspection trains or moving empty carriages between stations.

Total number of 18 126 voyages were made on passenger trains. That was a 11% increase compared to 16 324 voyages in 2016. Number of passenger kilometres was 122 972, when the same number in the previous year had been 108 404. This was an increase of 13% compared to year before. Total of 171 hand trollies were rented out in summer 2017.
About half of the people travelled during the three largest events. The busiest event of the year was Minkiö Steam Festival when 24% of all voyages were made. Number two event was the Santa Claus Train with 16% of the yearly voyages and the third largest event was the Starlight Train & Children's Agricultural Show with 11% of annual voyages recorded on that day.