This summer there is a photography exhibition of a photographer Mathias Luther at the Minkiö Station of Jokioinen Museum Railway. The exhibition is about people behind the musuem railway.
The photos are peeking in the lives of people behind the railway as people are wearing their normal clothes, not uniforms or overalls you usually see people wearing at the railway.
Trains, railways, traffic and all action around rolling stock is photographed a lot. This exhibition pays attention to something else. Photos are of people doing voulntary work at the railway -not all of them but about twenty people. Also a man working to maintain the track of railway is photographed.
Without them this preserved railway would not be a live and attarctive place to visit.
In fact, without them the railway would not exist.
Some of the still active memebres of the Museum Railway Association were already in the 1970s saving the railway of the dismantling and helped starting the regular museum train operations in 1978. Now the importance of the museum railway to the image, tourism and dignity of the region has been realized.
The exhibition "Railwaymen by Love" is made of about twenty black and white photographs. The exhibition is in an old VR box car (GB-car) at Minkiö station just next to the Minkiö Café.
The opening times of yhe exhibition are same as the opening times of the Narrow Gauge Museum and Café.