Humppila Day is celebrated in Humppila on the second Sunday in June. Then in addition to the normal Humppila-Jokioinen museum train, special trains run from Humppila station to the Santavaihte Barbeque Place. You can stay over there while grilling and return on the next train.

The Humppila station area of the museum railway has program for all ages throughout the day: the station park offers a free bouncy castle (weather reservation), a Mölkky game, croquet and a nice get-together, for example having a picnic. On the station's tracks you can try hand car rides. The station’s café is open all day.
There are steam trains running on Humppil Day between Humppila station and the Santavaihde Barbeque and Picknick Place. The first train of the day at arrives Humppila at 9.55 and the last train leaves at 16.20. The price of the pendulum train ride to Santavaihde is 7 e for an adult and 3.5 e for a 4-12 year old child. You can also travel by train on the Jokioinen Museum Railway day ticket.
The day's schedule also includes longer diesel train journeys to Minkiö and Jokioinen according to the museum museum's normal schedule.
In addition to train traffic, Humppila station also has a café and railway equipment on display. The steam locomotive also stands during breaks in front of Humppila station and is on display to the public.
Welcome to enjoy a fun summer day with us!