In June every Thursday evening Jokioinen Museum Railway is organizing a guided hand car trip to our new barbecue place....

This summer Jokioinen Museum Railway and the Nature Cooperative Willimieli will organize guided hand car trips. You can enjoy rolling on the rails, beatuiful countryside scenery and a break by a camp fire!...

The first charter train of this spring was running alreadynin April on Thursday 28.4. between Jokioinen-Minkiö-Humppila-Minkiö. The cloudy but dry weather guaranteed succesful trip and after the steam train trip there was a guided tour to Minkiö locomotive sheds and a hand car competition at Minkiö station, where differrent teams were competing against each other!...

Spring has again arrived and snow melted so the annual track work can begin on the 15 km main line of Jokioinen Museum railway. Because of the track work all the people are advised to be very careful when crossing tracks on level crossings. Work trains are running almost every day, so remember to stop, look and listen before crossing!...

In 2015 there were a record number of trains running at Jokioinen Museum Railway. Total of 749 trains were operated, out of which 324 were passenger trains and 425 work trains mainly for summer track work. Number of trains operated was bigger than in 1971 -the most quiet year of the original Jokioinen railway when only 729 trains were running....

The largest event of the travel trade in Northern Europe, the Nordic Travel Fair MATKA, presents foreign and domestic destinations at Messukeskus, Expo and Convention Centre Helsinki on 21-24 January. You can find the Forssa region and Jokioinen Museum Railway at MATKA Fair. Come and meet us at our stand 6m91!...

A new shelter for hand car riders was installed at the Gravel Pit Spur picnic area. The shelter was constructed this autumn in the Minkiö workshop and transported by train to its location at the Grave Pit Spur on Thursday 10.12. It was lifted by the rail crane on top of railway sleepers and pulled with a rope pulley to its final location....

Santa would like personally thank everybody who rode this year's Santa Claus Train at Jokioinen Museum Railway. There were really many people riding the train and we hope that everybody was able to meet and talk with Santa. We also made the all time passenger record of a single train. There were more than 330 passengers onboard the midday nine carriage train. Total number of passengers carried during the day was as high as 1697!...

Christmas is coming but before it there will still be a possibility to ride a narrow gauge trains! At the same time you have a chance to meet the Santa Claus before he is too busy in delivering all the presents. It is often that at the Christmas he is too busy to stop for a chat, only the presents left under the christmas tree show he has been passing by....

The summer at Jokioinen Museum Railway ended with a Star Light Train and a spectacular fireworks show in beautiful autumn weather. Thank you for everybody who took part to the event. There was something special in the evening when the oil lamps were lit and steam trains kept running. There was a broad interest to the Star Light Train with guests coming as far as from Japan when a Japanese TV crew visited us when filming a documentary....

On Sunday 23.8. all trains running are mixed trains. Thaey have both passenger coaches and goods wagons. Trains stop at the stations, drop off some of the goods waggons and take some new ones. It might be that trains are running behind the time table, but there is noreason to worry. Nobody is in hurry. Traveling and moving itself are more important than arriving. There is no hurry to get anywhere. The trains keep going and wheels rolling....

On Sunday 16.8. visitors at Jokioinen Museum Railway enjoyed a Soviet style workers lunch onboard "Stolovaja", the ex Soviet restaurant car of Jokioinen Museum Railway. The lunch was served aboard the restaurant car parked at the Minkiö station and it included a warm soup "Seljanka", warm main course (pasta with a mince meat sauce) and dessert kompot, bread and drinks (mineral water, sour milk, tea and coffee)....

This year Minkiö Steam Festival turned already ten years! The Festival was visited by 2300 guests and there were more than 140 volunteers organizing the festival hold on the last weekend of July on 25.-26.7....
It is again the time for Minkiö Farmers' Market. Tables fill with interesting thingsto buy and steam trains are bringing people to the market. Minkiö station is full of market spirit and sounds of steam locomotives!...
This year there are many ways to celebrate the Midsummer at the Jokioinen Museum Railway. The festivities start with the traditional midsummer night train to the Midsummer party at Enttu Dance Pavilion on Thursday 18.6. This year we will be running the Midsummer night train by a steam locomotive for the first time in trains history! Come and exprience a steam train run through white nights of Finnish summer!...
This Sunday the 14.6. is the day of the yearly Humppila Station Day. On that day there will be a special Humppila-Kermala express running in addition to a normal Humppila-Minkiö-Jokioinen steam train. You can catch this special every twenty minutes either at Humppila station or at Kermala halt....

The scheduled steam train traffic of Jokioinen Museum Railway will start on Sunday 7.6. The first train will depart at 10.25 and the trains will run all the day according to our timetable. For more information and the timetables please visit our event Event Calendar!...

Track work will be made at Jokioinen Museum Railway from the begining of May until end of October. Work will be made on all woking days and sometimes also on weekends. The work includes changing of railway sleepers, lifting track and tamping track....

This year the Museum Railway Association operating the Jokioinen Museum Railway applied for a grant of the National Board of Antiquities to repare the two hole Saustila stone culvert and all other culverts on the railway....

Thank you for visiting us at the Tampere travel fair! There were plenty of visitors all the time and it was pleasure to talk with all of you. We welcome all our guests and others too to Jokioinen Museum Railway to ride on board a steam train or hire a handcar at the Minkiö station!...
Come and see Jokioinen Museum Railway at the Tampere Travel Fair on 17.-19. 4. at the booth of Jokioinen mucipality E920. You can come and ask us questions of renting handcars, steamtrain schedules or group travel at Jokioinen Museum railway. You can also book your handcar trips and charter trains streight from us! Welcome!

The Jokioinen Museum railway event calendar and timetables for summer 2015 have been published! The events include the Day of Veteran Cars at the Minkiö station on Sunday 7th of June. There are many other events in June like the Humppila Old Station day on Sunday the 14th of June when also a special train is running from Humppila to Keramala halt and back....

The new web pages of the Jokioinen Museum Railway has been now published! The pages are more simple and easier to navigate than older ones. If you are interested in giving feedback or comments, please feel free to email your ideas to our address at: info (at) jokioistenmuseorautatie.fi!...
The season celebrating 40 years of museum train traffic in Finland ended with the starlight train on Saturday 17.9. 2011. There were lot of people on board trains enjoying the beautiful autumn weather. The day started already in the early afternoon with one train running between Humppila, Minkiö and Jokioinen. When the sun started to set, the evening continued with two trains running and meeting at Minkiö station. The trains were pulled by the coal fired JR 5 "Orion" and the wood fired LWR 6 tender locomotive. When the day turned into a night the trains and stations were lit up with electric lights, oil lamps and candles. The night ended with a fireworks show at Minkiö station ending also the 40th anniversary season of museum traffic at Jokioinen Railway and in Finland.
Track work of this autumn started in the weekend 1.-2. September with dismantling some track. The rails and sleepers of the track number 1 at Minkiö station were completely removed. On Sunday 2.9. track on both sides of the Humppila Road level crossing at Jokioinen station was dismantled. This was in preparation of rebuilding the level crossing....

Jokioinen Museum Railway will commemorate the 90th birthday of Hyvinkää-Karkkila railway locomotive number 5 by publishing on Sunday 17.6. a picture postal stamp of the locomotive. Stamps will be for sale at Minkiö station cafe...
The Museum Railway Association elected a new board of members for year 2006. The annual meeting of the association was held on Sunday 27th of November at Minkiö Station in Jokioinen....
The Jokioinen-Humppila railway tourism development project has been taken as part of the Southern Finland Objective 2 program. There were also three other projects taken by Tavastia co-operation council as part of Objective 2: Vigsberg suburb project in Forssa, MTT (Finnish Agriresearch) project to productize cow embryos and the Tavastia entrepreneurship project by Tavastia centre of labour and economy....
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