Jokioinen Museum Railway
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Charter Services
You can hire a steam train for your group or for making a movie! Also rail hand car rentals and ready package tours are possible!
News from Jokioinen Museum Railway.
Steam Locomotives
Jokioinen Museum Railway has five steam locomotives in operation. In addition to that there are five diesel locomotives and a speeder used for track repairs inspection.
Tourist Information
There are three stations at the Jokioinen Museum Railway (Humppila, Minkiö ja Jokioinen) and seven halts (between Humppila and Minkiö: Kermala, Palomäki, Santavaihde and Vuorela, and between Minkiö and Jokioinen: Salminen, Raemäki and Kirkkotie). Trains stop on the halts at request only. In this tourist information section we have been information about these stations and halts and services close to them.
Railway Camp 2011
Museum Railway Camp 2011 eli Museorautatieleiri järjestetään Jokioisten Museorautatiellä heinäkuussa 2011 yhdessä kansainvälistä nuorisovaihtoa järjestävän Allianssi ry:n kanssa. Kaksiviikkoiselle työleirille voi osallistua enintään 15 yli 18-vuotista nuorta ja nuorta aikuista. Leirin ohjelmaan kuuluu muun muassa museoradan ja rakennusten kunnossapitoa, museojunaliikenteeseen tutustumista sekä retkiä lähialueen kohteisiin.
About us
History and other information of Jokioinen Museum Railway.
Miscellanous info, used eg. to handle exit messages of menus.
Diesel locomotives
There are a total of eight diesel locomotives in operating condition at the Jokioinen Museum Railway. Almost all work trains are operated with these diesel locomotives. They are used in track maintenance trains and for switching railway cars and steam locomotives on railway yards.
Christmas Calendar
Every day untill Xmas a new picture will show up on the Christmas Calendar of Jokioinen Museum Railway.